Our impact
By the Numbers
We keep very, very busy at Heartfelt Tidbits but sometimes we take a moment to reflect on the wide-ranging impact we have on our community.
around 126 people served weekly
totaling 10,000+ service hours
We work with over a hundred new neighbors each week
When Heartfelt Tidbits began we focused on case-by-case assistance. We still believe that model works. Our New Neighbors Program, Job Readiness Program, and some of our Youth Support programs are designed to meet the needs of our families one at a time.
Over the years, we've also come to recognize the value of weekly organized programs and we now offer classes, meetings, and work sessions six days a week which allow our communities to grow together.
recurring programs offered each week
Youth served weekly during the school year
Citizenship test success rate
Youth participate in summer programming
126 active volunteers
serving 300+ hours per week
Volunteers are our heart and soul.
Nothing is more important to making the mission of Heartfelt Tidbit come to life than our volunteers. Whether it's driving around delivering donations, helping out in our community gardens, teaching weekly at English and Citizenship class, or even serving on our board of directors, our volunteers are the key to helping our newest neighbors feel welcome here in Cincinnati.
Want to join our groups of 126 dedicated volunteers? We have opportunities to help weekly, monthly, or occasionally. Check out these resources to learn more.
80+ partner organizations
with programs in 18
We work with partners to host programs and grow our reach
Because we're a low-budget operation, we've found we can increase our impact by partnering with other local organizations. Many of our programs are hosted within our partners' facilities in spaces that would otherwise be sitting empty. We also work in tandem with other local service organizations, providing referrals to each other and learning what each group excels in.Our partners are all around Cincinnati! You can catch us at one of our 4 community gardens located at various partner sites, bringing students for homework help at a public library branch, Academy of World Languages, the Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati, and many more spots!